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时间:2022-09-28 08:00:48 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2467字


What can he do




Most cows run dry in about 10 months.───大多数乳牛约10个月后就不再有奶了.

As long as we don't have any accident, I think we'll be home and dry by tonight.───只要我们不出任何事故, 我想今晚我们就会平安无事了.

Now the river bed is bone dry.───现在河床已完全干涸了。

The usurers are leeches; they have drained us dry.───高利贷者是吸血鬼, 他们吸干了我们的血汗.

Though he was not dry behind the ears, he had to make a living by himself.───他虽未成年, 但得自己谋生.

Dry up the dishes!───把碟子擦干!

The ground was dry and firm underfoot.───脚下踩的土地又干又硬。

a dry ticklish cough───喉咙发痒的干咳


He wiped his boots dry with an old rag.

The dry riverbed finds no thanks for its past.

They used dry twigs to start the fire.

Dry wood makes a good blaze.

It's no use pumping a dry well.