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时间:2022-09-28 12:04:01 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2664字


Women's rooms




Both women were French.───两名妇女都是法国人。

What women mistake as thoughtlessness is often just diffidence.───女性误以为是考虑不周的事情往往只是缺乏自信。

We asked women in the biz for their low-down on film-making.───我们问了娱乐圈里的女性有关电影制作的内幕。

Eleanor's work among the women will, I trust, bear fruit.───我相信埃莉诺所做的工作会在妇女中有所成效。

Women are sometimes seen to be less effective as managers.───女性有时被认为不善于管理。

I supported us by writing bilge for women's magazines.───我胡乱给女性杂志写点东西,维持我们的生计。

Such images demean women.───这些形象有损妇女尊严。

He has been brought up not to swear in front of women.───他从小就被教育不要在女性面前说脏话。


Women and children first.

Women now represent almost 50% of the workforce.

Women have become more assertive in the past decade.

She felt he had total disrespect for women.

Some institutions still have a strong bias against women.