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时间:2022-09-28 20:00:17 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2925字


Solar term Bailu


节气───Solar term;白露───White Dew


Objective : To investigate the relationship between the solar term and the incidence of acute ischemic apoplexy.───目的探讨急性缺血性中风的发病与节气的关系.

Cinyee turned each solar term into an animal.───Cinyee 把每个节气都变成了一种动物。

Low carbon life should start from electricity, water, carbon, oil, solar term this trifle.───低碳生活要从节电、节水、节碳、节油、节气这种小事做起。

Cold Dew ( 17 th solar term )───寒露 ( 节气 )

Solar Term" remains important to farmers for guiding their practices and is used widely by communities and shared by many racial groups in China.───节气说”对农民仍然很重要,因为它指导着他们的生产行为,而且被社区群体和中国的许多民族广泛地使用。

In north, this solar term is crop cultivates, the season of emerge.───在北方, 这个节气是农作物耕种 、 出苗的季节.

We can sell many chickens at a very high price during the solar term each year.───每年节气,我们这里的市场都很好,价格也很好,销路也不错.


These days, according to the 20th solar term has not stopped people fall all over the area-room house warm.

Grain in Ear is the characterization of wheat and other crops have matured Mountain, is a reflection of the solar term agricultural phenology.