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时间:2022-09-28 20:03:47 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2477字


A route to a place




We retraced our route in an attempt to get back on the right path.───我们折返,想回到正确的路上.

They kept to the preset route.───他们沿着事先规划的路线前进。

They would go out on his route and check him.───他们会到他那里走访一下,看看他的情况。

The troops went back by the same route.───队伍从原路退回.

Another new air route has been opened up.───又有一条新航线开航了.

The route is well signposted.───这条路线路标设置完善。

It's the quickest route to Europe.───这是去欧洲最快的路线.

On the way home, we took an indirect route.───回家的路上, 我们绕了一个大圈.


Motorists are advised to find an alternative route.

The plane did not fly the usual commercial route.

We took a roundabout route to avoid the accident.

We drove home by a roundabout route.

We came by a longer route than usual.