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时间:2022-09-29 00:06:10 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2699字


We're stupid




Fancy hurling away a good chance like that, the silly girl!───想想她竟然把这样一个好机会白白丢掉了, 真是个傻姑娘!

He said something silly and the other boys pounced on it at once.───他说了句傻话,马上遭到了其他男孩的嘲笑.

She likes to laugh a silly laugh in one's face.───她喜欢在人面前傻笑.

His head is stuffed with silly romantic ideas.───他满脑子天真的想法.

Jane did such a thing, she is really as silly as a goose.───简竟然干出这种事, 她实在是太蠢了.

They used to play the fool together, calling each other silly names and giggling.───他们过去常在一起胡闹,互相取笑。

Silly mistakes and queer clothes often arouse ridicule.───荒谬的错误和古怪的服装常会引起人们的讪笑.

His critics say he's just being silly and petulant.───批评家说他就是愚蠢和任性。


It is a blind silly goose that comes to the fox’s sermon.

It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.

That was a silly thing to do!

Silly mistakes often arouse ridicule.

Don't be silly, that insect can't hurt you.