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时间:2022-09-29 03:59:48 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2765字






I especially like the oleander in moonlight.───我特别喜欢月光下的夹竹桃。

In Greece, rhododendrons and oleander bloom only in springtime, when they are the predominant sources of nectar.───在希腊,杜鹃花和夹竹桃只在春天开花,那时它们是花蜜的主要来源。

The Oleander has long leaves.───夹竹桃具有长叶子。

We can see them from spring to autumn . The whole plant of the Oleander is poisonous.───从春天到夏天我们都能看到夹竹桃. 夹竹桃全身都有毒.

The Hibiscus, Azalea and Oleander are some common shrubs.───大红花, 杜鹃和夹竹桃是一些常见的灌木.

Many Sri Lankans kill themselves by eating the seeds of the yellow oleander, a common shrub.───许多斯里兰卡人就是通过吃黄色夹竹桃(一种普通的灌木)的种子丢掉自己的性命.


The Oleander has long leaves.

They include oleander, poinsettia and other members of the Euphorbia family, and the castor-oil plant.

There are oleander bushes and flame of the forest trees.

There were oleanders and an untidy tumble of bamboo dwellings.

Before me lay a deep gulley choked with oleanders and thorny scrub, which descended precipitously down to the private beach.