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时间:2022-09-29 04:00:42 作者:趣历史 字数:3280字


At the beginning of this year, I made a wish




Xu is now better known as Jason, his English name.───徐现在更广为人知的名字是他的英文名杰森。

South ditch Xu enchanting natural scenery, abundant human resources and information.───沟南许地自然景色迷人, 人文资源底蕴丰厚.

Why is Xu Wei proud of China?───为什么徐伟为中国感到骄傲?

Xu day in court, except he was picked up before he could.───许先生本该在法庭上出现, 但被提前带走(而没能出庭).

For multiple - marker analysis , Xu ( Genetics, 2003, 163:789 - 801 ) developed a Bayesian shrinkage estimation ( BSE ) method.───对于前者, Xu ( Genetics, 2003, 163:789-801 ) 首先提出了Bayesian压缩估计方法.

But he remembered Xu Huabei, and his mood was spoiled once again.───可是他想到了徐华北, 他的心绪又坏了.

Mr. Xu's story took place during the years of the Japanese invasion.───徐老师的事,就发生在日寇侵占了北京的那年月. )

In order not to lose face , Mr. Xu would not fetch the gruel himself.───他为了维护当老师的体面, 是不肯自己去打粥的.


It was immortalised by Xu Zhimo, a 20th-century poet with all the attributes required for lasting celebrity: talent, a rackety love life and a dramatic early death (plane crash at 34).

Recalling Mr. Xu Zhimo, what impressed me most were his silver grey eyes.

It is a reproduction of Xu Beihong's world-famous painting.

Doctor Xu advised white-collar workers who feel unwell, especially those who work more than 10 hours a day, to pay more attention to their diets and mental health and to undergo regular examinations.

So he sent for Xu Deyan and allowed the husband and wife to reunite.