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时间:2022-09-29 08:00:44 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3014字


window sill


窗边───window sill


We made a terrible voice to scare them even more, and then we slipped off the window sill.───我们做出可怕的声音把他们吓得更厉害,然后我们就从窗台边上滑下来。

Winston sat back against the window - sill.───温斯顿向窗台一靠.

Hadley glances at the rocks lining the window sill, turns to Norton.───哈雷看看窗台上排着的石头, 转向诺顿.

The cat quickly jumped on to the window sill and ran away.───猫迅速跳到窗台上跑了.

A small unfledged sparrow on the window sill.───窗台上有一只羽毛未丰的小麻雀.

Ellie dug up the candles, lit them, said the blessings, placed the menorah on her window sill and spent the rest of the evening in her room studying.───艾莉找到蜡烛,把它们点上,嘴里感谢着上帝的赐福,把烛台放在了窗台上,然后在她房间里学习了整个晚上。

She neatly aligned the flower pots on the window sill.───她把花盆整齐地排成一行在窗台上.

The spider's thread attached to the window sill.───蛛丝粘在窗台上.


This paper analyzes the skirting board and window sill radiator's heating function, and compares the quantity of heat between it and long wing radiator.

He fell from the window sill and put his shoulder out.

The interior design elements helped to determine window sill heights and window mullion spacing.

She began at the livingroom window sill.

Put the plant on a window sill in the sun.