dog my cats
Everywhere a meow, meow.───到处“喵喵喵”.
There's a Katz Meow in Washington D . C . and a Mr. Ache Payne in Illinois.───华盛顿有一个凯兹? 喵呜,依利诺斯州有一个疼佩思先生.
Ten little black cats Meow!───十只小黑猫喵喵地叫!
Meow made a new tooth from a kernel of corn!───猫咪新咬了一排牙印在玉米粒上!
Meow, meow, meow, meow, we shall have some pie.───“喵, 喵, 喵, 喵, 我们都有馅饼吃了. ”
Afeard!'Tain't likely. Will you meow?───“害怕! 那还不至于. 你来学猫叫好 吗 ?”
Meow is a young woman roaming the streets and nightclubs of Tel Aviv.───美奥是一个喜欢漫步在特拉维夫街头和夜总会的年轻女人.
That guy thinks he's the cat's meow.───那个家伙认为自己最了不起啦.
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