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时间:2022-09-29 16:04:49 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3096字


Have a plan


有心机───Have a plan


But nature doesn't have a plan.───但其实自然并没有什么安排。

You don't have a plan.───你没有一个计划。

In this way, you actually have a plan you can remember easily.───这样,你就有了一个容易记住的计划。

How much energy and money does it take to actually have a plan to negotiate with an advanced species?───准备好计划与一个具有高级文明的物种谈判需要多少精力和金钱呢?

We can't just have a plan for the banks; we've got to have a plan for Dolores; we gotta have a plan for you. . . and you.───我们不能有一个仅用于银行的计划,我们必须为德洛丽丝郡制订计划,我们必须为你…和你制订计划。

On the economic front, it would be wise to have a plan B in case Keynesian fears about overstringent cuts turn out to be right.───在经济方面,为防止凯恩斯主义者对过于严厉的削减的担忧成为现实,政府采取B计划是明智之举。


"He and Mrs Stein have a plan," she explained.

We know that you have a plan and a purpose for our marriage, and we invite you to forgive the past self-centeredness, come into our lives and relationship and direct our steps from now on.

However, I have a plan to make the race far more competitive by exposing the Blues as beatable and any EPL manager is most welcome to use it.

But if you don't have a plan to start with, you'll run the risk of being bounced around like a ball in a pinball machine.

Do you have a plan for helping you see that dream come true?