The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.───猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书.
When you are playing a roundabout, does the view change?───当你在旋转机上玩耍时, 景会变化 吗 ?
The car has to come a roundabout way.───车子只得绕道而行.
You will come to a roundabout just after a petrol station – continue straight on.───驶经一个汽油站后您会经过一个回旋处——继续沿直道行驶.
He didn't agree to your opinions, but said so in a roundabout way.───虽然他不同意你的观点, 但他表达的很宛转.
And the planar roundabout in urban road is much, restricting viatic traffic capacity badly.───且城市道路中的平面交叉路口多, 严重制约着道路的通行能力.
We made a bit of a fuss in a roundabout way.───我们拐弯抹角地发了点牢骚。
Last night I got lost, and took a very roundabout way.───昨天夜里走错了路, 绕了一个大圈子.
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