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时间:2022-09-30 00:02:17 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2607字


Huizhou architecture


徽派建筑───Huizhou architecture


Huizhou architecture forms another architectural class with its strong local characteristics.───徽州建筑以其浓郁的地方特色自成一派。

Zhaizi ancient town well-preserved, ancient and quiet, traditional Huizhou architecture is also very unique.───济古镇保存完好,古朴恬静,传统的徽派建筑也很有特色。

Typical Huizhou architecture, very historical characteristics.───典型的徽派建筑,很有历史特色。

Huizhou architecture is an integral part of Huizhou culture, and women-related Huizhou Huizhou architecture building is an important part.───徽派建筑是徽派文化的组成部分,与女性有关的徽派建筑是其中的重要内容。

They manifest the owner's wealth and artistic taste. They are a highlight of Huizhou architecture.───这些艺术品彰显了房屋主人的财力和艺术品位,成为徽州建筑的一大亮点。

Giant panda ecological park covers an area of 300 acres, 5 Panda Villa with Huizhou architecture style is simple and elegant.───大熊猫生态乐园占地面积300余亩,5座熊猫别墅采用徽派建筑风格,古朴典雅。
