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时间:2022-09-30 04:00:51 作者:趣历史 字数:3127字


Good morning, Jimei




But people in SIS need to think carefully, because it can put relatives under pressure.───但情报局员工必须认真考虑, 因为这会令家人处于压力之下.

Sure thing, sis. I always will be. Blood is thicker than water.───这是一定要的,老姐. 你需要时我就在. 血浓于水.

For SIS to work, in many cases several administrations and departments have to collaborate.───社会信息技术系统要运转, 许多情况下需要几个政府与部门通力合作.

Method: We examined the content of DD during the process of thromboly sis by performing ELSA.───方法: 用ELSA法定量检测未溶栓及溶栓前后D- 二聚体的含量.

So operation optimization technologies based upon SIS platform should be researched.───因此,需要认真研究基于SIS平台的优化技术,注重应用效果.

How can the poor woman sub sis ton such a small income?───这位贫穷的妇女靠如此微薄的收入怎么能生活下去 呢 ?

Sis, you wanna go bring Jill some pasta?───姐, 你要给吉尔带意大利面?

Create an SIS installation file for easy deployment of your application.───创建 SIS 安装文件,以便于部署您的应用程序。


Claim it with my blessing, Sis.

That's all right, sis, " he answered jovially ."

For a good many months we (mom, stepdad, sis, myself, and our Doberman pup) lived in a tent out in the alien desert north of Phoenix.

Monthly project information date entry in the SIS system.

In this paper , we study a nonautonomous SIS model with age structure.