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时间:2022-09-30 08:05:03 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2445字


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朱弦───Zhu Xian;琴───Qin


Ms. Xian Zhu, the person responsible for the volunteer work, was discussing with other bodhisattva volunteers about how to make the life of the students more enjoyable and comfortable.───慧日寺接待中心门前,负责此次义工工作的贤殊居士,和众位义工菩萨商议,如何使同学们的住所更加舒适安逸。

quality of W-03, Zhu 9217, Xian 2007 achieved national quality standard with high yield and good resistance, which can be used in production test and demonstration.───西安2007的品质达国优标准,且丰产性好、抗逆性强,可直接进行生产试验示范。

Cold mountain cave with a total of 6 cave, cave where Taoism Zhu Xian stone statue of 36.───寒同山神仙洞共有6个石洞,洞内供奉道家诸仙石雕塑像36尊。

Qianlong 29 years (1764 AD) Shangan Amun since the Governor Yi Zhu Xian, Lanzhou, Gansu Xunfu reductions.───乾隆二十九年(公元1764年)陕甘总督衙门自西安移驻兰州,裁减甘肃巡抚。
