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时间:2022-09-30 16:02:23 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3181字


Transportation Committee


交委───Transportation Committee


While interrogating Sasha about her annual costs, the committee was also shocked to find that she did not contribute to food costs, transportation, or even rent.───在审讯萨莎她年度花费的时候,委员会还震惊地发现,她居然从来没有为食物、交通、甚至房租支付过一分钱。

Last week, the bill cleared the state senate's transportation committee with an 8-0 vote.───上周,此提案在州参议院的交通委员会投票中以8—0全体通过。

members of the House science committee have been meeting with their counterparts on the Senate's committee on Commerce, science and Transportation seeking a middle ground.───众议院科学委员会部分成员正在与参议院商务、科学与运输委员会的同行接触,寻找折中方案。

Lowenthal chairs the Senate's transportation committee, which is beginning to examine the projected ridership figures .───罗文塔尔是参议院运输委员会的主席。委员会已开始审核预计的客流数据。

The chairman of the transportation committee controls all the spending for transportation projects.───运输委员会的主席控制所有的运输计划开销。

House Transportation Committee Chairman John Mica, R-Fla.───众议院运输委员会主席约翰云母,研究,佛罗里达州。


The Transportation Committee will be responsible for operational maintenance such as registration, fuel, exterior wash, oil change, tune-up, etc.

But Alan Wapner, an Ontario council member and head of the SCAG Transportation Committee, said the project has a long way to go before final approval.