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时间:2022-09-30 20:02:08 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2350字


Arrow rain


箭雨───Arrow rain


In his hand he held a beautiful little bow-and-arrow set, but the bow had been ruined by the rain, and all the colors on the arrows had run together.───他手里拿着一把漂亮的弓,但是雨水已经把它弄坏了。涂在那些美丽箭上的色彩全都被雨淋得模糊不清了。

If bad weather is pernicious to firearms, it is no less so to bows. Rain makes bowstrings slacks, and after a march in the wet arrow-feathers flake off.───如果说坏天气对火绳枪不利,对于弓也好不到哪里去。下雨可以让弓弦松弛,在雨天行军以后,箭羽往往会脱落。

The rain was pouring like a, on the ground with numerous small arrow, the black clouds, all this can be how dark, cold ice also when not people the fiery heart!───大雨还在瓢泼似的下着,在地上溅起无数的小箭头,天上乌云密布,这一切多么阴沉,可再寒的冰也当不住人们火热的心!
