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时间:2022-09-30 20:04:30 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2444字


Ask the number


问数───Ask the number


Which telephone number can people call to ask about the General Meetings?───人们可以拨打哪个电话号码询问全体大会的情况?

So our last question we ask is what's the total number of photons emitted if we give this given intensity for 60 seconds?───最好的问题是如果我们,按照给定的强度照射60秒,那么总的光子数是多少?

If you want to ask the number of the bank account, just ask.───如果你想问对方银行帐号,只需“问”就行了。

Talk to him of Jacob 's ladder , and he would ask the number of the steps.───要是跟他讲雅各的天梯,他可能会问(那天梯)有多少级。

For example, you could ask the number 4 about its class and the methods it supports using the code───例如,可以使用代码来向数字4询问它的类和它所支持的方法


Talk to him of Jacob's ladder, and he will ask the number of the steps.