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时间:2022-10-01 00:01:24 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2874字


Mercury lamp




That night the mercury fell to thirty degrees below zero.───那天晚上温度计显示气温降到了零下30度。

The Sunday Mercury accused her of trying to revenge herself on her former lover.───《星期日信使报》指责她企图报复她以前的情人。

At present, caustic soda childbirth has baffle law, mercury law and ionic membrane law.───目前, 烧碱生产有隔膜法 、 水银法和离子膜法.

Mercury is a known poison.───水银是一种已知的有毒物质。

The mercury dived to ten below zero.───温度突然下降到零下10度.

This consists of a capillary connected to a mercury reservoir.───这由一根与汞池相连的毛细管所构成.

Mercury, in association with The Independent, is sponsoring Britain's first major Pop Art exhibition for over 20 years.───《信使报》正携手《独立报》一起为20多年来英国举办的首届大型通俗艺术展览提供赞助。

Mercury in Gemini is helpful for getting your across at work.───水星运行在双子宫,有利于你实现工作上的设想.


The hollow glass tank contains hot mercury vapour.

The liquid we can see in thermometers is mercury.

Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.

Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.

Mercury is a liquid at room temperature.