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时间:2022-10-01 00:04:01 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3081字






For the rich and the powerful, keeping marital relations has become fashionable, particularly in officialdom.───由于财富和权力, 拥有婚外情在官场中逐渐变得时髦和显著起来.

It's true that sometimes migrant workers will avoid forms of officialdom because technically they don't really have the right to be residing and working in cities.───这是事实,有的时候民工逃会逃避官方,严格意义上说他们不会得到城市的居住权和工作权的。

This is a classic example of the killjoy attitudes of officialdom.───这是那种典型的令人不快的官僚主义态度。

What do these criticisms add up to? Not much, if officialdom is to be believed.───这些批评说明了什么? 说明不了多少东西 —— 假如可以相信官方机构的话.

All of this can only bring the popular phrase officialdom thought " false earnestness andthe motions. "───这一切,只能让人想过官场上流行的一句话 “ 认认真真地作假,扎扎实实地走过场 ”.

Forget the boasts of European Union officialdom and all the Eurospeak of directives and regulations.───忘掉欧盟官员的吹嘘和那些打着官腔的指令和规章吧。

But it has become a tool to scramble for power and profit for officialdom corruption.───然而,由于晚清官场的腐败,自救的新政被执政者们演变成了争权夺利的工具.

Unofficial or unauthorized information is often characterized under one of these two labels by Chinese officialdom.───中国政府部门常常会将非官方或未经授权发布的信息冠以这二者中的一个罪名.
