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时间:2022-10-01 03:59:55 作者:语文迷 字数:3201字






My hometown is a little city named Taian and it is famous for Mountain tai.───我的家乡泰安是一个小城市,它因泰山而闻名。

However, when they near the time of Taian, we found that all cases of card died.───然而,当他们接近泰安的时候,便发现案件中的所有人证都死了。

soon as we arrived at the Taian Rest Area, we anxiously phoned home.───一到泰安休息区,我们满怀焦虑地打电话回家。

Facing of fierce competition, Taian's tourism industry has been a daunting challenge in Shandong province's status.───通过分析发现,在激烈的竞争中,泰安旅游业在山东省的地位已受到了严峻挑战。

Di Renjie in the absence of circumstances for granted, adventure rushed Taian, determined to get to the bottom of this Kuanggu injustice.───狄仁杰在没有奉旨的情况下,冒险赶赴泰安,决心将这个旷古冤案查个水落石出。

The performance evaluation method has been applied to Taian tobacco company for a years and obtain good economic and social effects.───本绩效评价体系通过在泰安烟草局(公司)一年多的运行,取得了良好的经济社会效果。


A new disease named legume dieback of Cassia tora was first found in Taian of Shandong Province during 2006—2007.

The studies were conducted from 2004 to 2005 in the experimental station and the crop high yield physiological lab of Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, china.

The data curve of FHD-1 nuclear precession magnetometer in Taian station always shows some accidented variation in recent years. After study we found out that it is caused by instrumental malfunction.