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时间:2022-10-01 04:01:31 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2798字


It's everyone's responsibility to fight the disease


人人───everyone;抗击───to fight


Everyone should observe the law.───谁都应该守法.

The broadcast went out on television at prime time , when everyone was watching.───这个电视节目在众人皆看的黄金时间播出.

The story has got around — everyone knows about it.───这事已传开——谁都知道了.

When the shots rang out, everyone hit the deck.───就在枪声传来的时候, 大伙都躺倒在地.

Divorce can be traumatic for everyone involved.───离婚对所有相关的人都会造成痛苦。

Everyone knew each other well, except for the new guy Jason, who was the joker in the pack.───除了那个新来的家伙贾森, 大家彼此都很了解, 只有他让人捉摸不透.

Everyone was doubtful at first, but his statement in detail held up.───起初大家都怀疑, 但他的详细叙述证明情况属实.

Everyone was absorbed with the beautiful scenery.───人人都为这美丽的景色所陶醉.


When a man is going down-hill, everyone will give him a push.

Everyone is born king, and most people die in exile.

Everyone liked my father-he was the perfect gentleman.

Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone.

Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune.