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时间:2022-10-01 04:03:29 作者:趣历史 字数:2407字


End with understanding


结束于了解───End with understanding


Instead, the trick is to come to an understanding that everything works out in the end and there is nothing that could happen to you that you can't find a way to deal with.───相反,诀窍在于能够理解每件事最后都能解决并且不会出现你找不到解决方法的事情发生。

For example, if you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay is helpful in creating a new understanding.───例如,如果你是以描写一个情景开始的,那么你可以以描写同样的情景结束,以此证明你的文章有助于产生新的理解。

At the end of his visit, the Bank President described his discussions as fruitful, adding that he left the country with a better understanding of its people and economy.───在访问结束时,世行行长把他的讨论描述为富有成果的,他补充说在他离开这个国家时,他对其人民和经济有了更好的了解。
