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时间:2022-10-01 08:02:19 作者:语文迷 字数:2945字


Top case writing


顶格───Top grid;书写───write


Every report has at least one top-level report item, usually a grid, a list, or a table.───每一个报表至少拥有一个顶级层次的报表项目,通常是一个格子,一个列表,或者一个表格。

Functions that called the current function is displayed in the top grid, and it shows the individual contributions of the caller (parent) functions to the values of the selected (current) function.───调用当前函数的函数”显示在顶部网格内,用于显示各个调用方(父)函数对所选(当前)函数的值的作用。

solar power gathered from its rooftop supplemented with grid energy, the "Fast Bus" is expected to top out just shy of 40 miles per hour, so it's not ideal for long treks.───电能和顶部太阳能装置收集的太阳能共同驱动,这种巴士最快能达到40公里每小时的速度,因此它不适合用作长线行驶。

The case of the top grid ruling underlines the court to increase IPR judicial protection, there are educational.───本案的顶格判决,彰显了人民法院加大知识产权司法保护力度,有教育意义。

The top grid shows each server on which the instance is registered.───上面的网格显示每个注册了实例的服务器。

Step 4: One student hides the words in his top grid. Likewise, the other student hides the words in his bottom grid.───第四步:一个学生隐藏填在上边方格中的单词,另一个学生隐藏下边方格的单词。
