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时间:2022-10-01 08:04:14 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2363字


The origin of new year's Eve


除夕───New year's Eve;由来简───Brief introduction of the origin


a New Year's Eve jol───新年晚会

Tramcars ran throughout the night on New Year's Eve.───有轨电车除夕通宵行驶.

On New Year's Eve we had a barbecue on the beach.───除夕那天我们在海滩上举行了烧烤野餐。

There were large crowds of people in the street on New Year's Eve.───除夕那天街上有大批人群.

Most of the big London hotels have a New Year's Eve dance.───伦敦多数大旅馆都兴办除夕舞会.

We have looked grand sight performance of firework at New Year's Eve.───除夕我们观看了壮观的烟火表演.

On New Year's Eve I usually give a party, which is always chaotic.───我通常在除夕举行派对,总是很闹。

On New Year's Eve he confided that he had suffered rather troubling chest pains.───新年前夜,他诉说他胸口疼得相当厉害。
