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时间:2022-10-01 12:01:05 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2997字


Look at the label




You should label each card with subject, author, title, page number and the useful information.───每张卡片上都要标明题目, 作者, 标题, 页码和有用的信息.

He peered at the label on the bottle.───他注视着瓶子上的标签。

She landed a contract with record label EMI.───她获得了一份与百代唱片公司的合约。

A large address label was gummed to the package.───包装袋上贴上了一大张地址签条。

She glued the label onto the box.───她把标签贴在箱子上。

He'd like "happiness" to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit "Major affective disorder, pleasant type".───他想给“幸福”一个更为科学的新称谓,准确地说即“愉悦型重度情感障碍”。

A child first labels the household pet cat as a "cat" and then generalises this label to other animals that look like it.───孩子会先把家中的宠物猫称为“猫”,然后将其他像猫的动物都称为“猫”。

Her treatment of her husband earned her the label of the most hated woman in America.───她对待丈夫的行径使她赢得了“全美最可恶的女人”的称号。


I have tied a label on.

Don't forget to attach the label to your luggage.

We tested various supermarkets' own label pasta sauces .

Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and create good sentences.

He'll only wear clothes with a designer label.