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时间:2022-10-01 12:02:24 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2458字


Copper mesh


铜网───Copper mesh


mesh of copper tubes and loading ways of the balls are the key problems during three dimensional FE simulation of ball spinning of inner grooved tubes.───内螺纹管滚珠旋压三维有限元模拟中,铜管的网格划分和滚珠加载方式是模拟的关键问题。

It was found that the nucleation density and the quality of the films are improved greatly using copper mesh as template.───结果发现,采用模板后,金刚石膜的成核密度和质量都得到很大提高。

Knitted copper cleaning mesh. Used for the cleaning of breaker plates & feed screws in the plastic extrusion & injection molding industry.───铜质清洁网,用于清洁断路器板和塑料挤压中的进给螺杆,注塑成型工业。

The copper mesh comprises the inadvertent backfire' protection for the reaction chamber.───铜网格组成的回火保护电解反应室。

Using copper mesh gaskets to fill gaps of steam turbine cylinder joins───铜网垫片在汽轮机汽缸接合面上的应用实践
