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时间:2022-10-01 16:03:52 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2747字


I have too little money


我的钱───My money;太───too


How I spend my money is my affair.───我如何用钱是我自己的事。

Most of my money goes toward bills.───我的钱大多花在支付各种账单上。

I've spent all my money already.───我已经把我的钱全都花完了。

Haven't I brought you up to be respectable? And how can you keep it up without my money and my influence and Lizzie's friends?───要是没有我的钱、没有我的支持、没有利慈的朋友帮忙,你这上等人的身份怎么保得住?

An idiot hope struck me that they might think I withdrew my money from the bank because the bank clerk had insulted me.───我当时竟然傻乎乎地希望,他们会认为,我从银行取走钱,主要是因为银行职员侮辱了我。

My parents felt bad for her when she said she didn't like jail, so they bailed her out. . . using my money I've been saving for college.───她说爸爸妈妈这里感觉好糟糕哦。爸妈心一软就把她保出来了。于是我没有钱上大学了喂。


I'd like my money back, please.

I have fooled away all my money.

My money came short of the necessary sum.

I keep my money in a savings bank.

He cheated me out of my money.