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时间:2022-10-02 00:00:59 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2509字


Lhasa Potala Palace


布达拉宫───the Potala Palace;拉萨───Lhasa


What was the course of building the Potala Palace in history?───历史上修建布达拉宫的过程是怎样的?

The Potala Palace really looks resplendent and magnificent.───布达拉宫看上去真是宏伟辉煌.

The divine ceremony of Lots Drawing is being held at the Potala Palace.───布达拉宫里正在举行庄严的掣签仪式.

What was the Potala Palace used for?───布达拉宫是作什么用的?

we are. This is the Potala Palace.───我们到了。这是布达拉宫。

This photo focused on vendors outside the Potala Palace in Lhasa , Tibet.───这张照片的主题是布达拉宫外的小贩们.

What parts does the Potala Palace mainly contain?───布达拉宫包括哪几部分?

It's famous for the Potala Palace.───它以布达拉宫而闻名。


A fresco showing festivities of Tibet in the Potala Palace.

This photo focused on vendors outside the Potala Palace in Lhasa , Tibet.