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时间:2022-10-02 00:04:23 作者:趣历史 字数:2958字


From the world


从世───From the world


cannot erase injustice from the world.───非正义从世界上消失。

I felt disconnected from the world around me.───我感到自己与周围世界隔绝。

Most tellingly, perhaps, chimpanzees do not draw as much information from the world around them as we do.───也许最能说明问题的是,黑猩猩从周围的世界获取的信息不如我们获取的那么多。

But in the next life that he did not worthy of this life, Natasha, from the world that suffer because of his life.───却在此后的生活中表明,他并没有对得起这个生命,娜塔莎,这个因他而来这个世界受苦的生命。

Researchers then looked at figures on how much people drank in each country, including the UK, taken from the World Health Organization.───研究人员以取自世界卫生组织的数据,分析在各个国家人们饮用的酒量,也包括英国在内。

After another period of gentle back rubbing and silence, I said I was glad to have learned so much from the world's expert back rubbers.───送回来后,又揉和沉默了一段时间,我说我很高兴学到了来自世界各地的专家回橡胶多。


He was controversially omitted from the World Cup side.

He detached himself from the world.

Can we ever root poverty up from the world?

I felt disconnected from the world around me.

Britain's economic fortunes are inseparable from the world situation.