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时间:2022-10-02 04:02:17 作者:学习啦 字数:3009字


I like to eat string beans


四季豆───green beans;我喜欢───I like it


A: You have a choice of vegetables, green beans, or spinach.───(你可以选择蔬菜: 青碗豆或菠菜. )

Someday I'll across a table and cut this little girl's green beans.───以后,我会在餐桌旁,俯身帮小小的她把碗里的豆角切碎.

We've got a choice of fresh asparagus, green beans and grilled tomatoes.───我们有各种新鲜芦笋, 青豆和烧番茄.

Yes. I'd like a salad, fish, and green beans.───行.我想要沙拉 、 鱼和豆角.

Buy: Canned vegetable , Chickpeas, Green beans, White beans, Tomato sauce.───采购: 蔬菜罐头,鹰嘴豆, 绿豆, 白豆, 番茄沙司.

I also have carrots, green beans and cabbage growing.───我也种了萝卜, 绿豆还有花椰菜.

The conventional ingredients include flour, green beans, pork fat, and sugar.───传统原料是面粉 、 绿豆 、 猪油 、 白糖.

Flavor characteristics: Fresh cut grass, gooseberries, currant, green beans and asparagus.───口味特征: 新鲜草味, 覆盆子, 加仑, 豌豆和卢笋.


Puny had left baked chicken, and green beans cooked with new potatoes, one of his favorite meals.

Baked potatoes, green beans and a nicely basted pork roast.

Squash and green beans sustained the worst damage, with 50 percent 70 percent, respectively, of these crops lost.

If you are using green beans, trim the ends and cut them in half. 3.

Serve with green beans or lightly boiled spinach.