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时间:2022-10-02 04:04:29 作者:学习啦 字数:2761字


Insect snake




He was bitten by an insect in the garden.───他在花园里被虫子咬了一口.

Chambers' voice droned, maddening as an insect around his head.───钱伯斯唠唠叨叨,那声音像一只飞虫绕着他的头打转般令人发狂。

The insect anchored fast to its prey.───这昆虫紧紧地抓住它的猎物不放.

A tiny insect , trying to shake a mighty tree, is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness.───蚍蜉撼大树, 可笑不自量.

Leaving some fields fallow provided a natural check on insect populations.───让一些土地休耕是自然控制昆虫数量的办法.

Chambers' voice droned, maddening as an insect around his head.───钱伯斯一直在他耳边嗡嗡地说个不停,他都快疯了。

Rubbing this special cream into the insect bite will help to take away the worst of the pain.───把这种特制油膏揉搓在虫子咬过的地方可以大大减轻痛苦.

She flapped a newspaper at the insect.───她用报纸拍虫子.


She scratched at the insect bites on her arm.

Don't be silly, that insect can't hurt you.

The ant is a social insect.

They classed this insect under the Coleoptera.

Feathers initially developed from insect scales.