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时间:2022-10-02 08:00:53 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2670字


Leave them at home


留在家里───Stay at home;他们───they


We'd better stay at home today.───我们今天最好留在家里.

It would be better to go for a walk than stay at home all alone.───与其坐在家里发闷,莫如出去走走.

I had to postpone ideas of a career and stay at home.───我不得不暂缓就业打算,呆在家里。

She could not just stay at home and read " eternal triangle'stories.───难道成天躲在家里看 张资平 的三角恋爱小说?

In the end we stay at home and look after everything.───结果我们呆在家里照看一切.

It's good to stay at home a year, and it's hard to go out an hour.───在家千日好出门一时难.

The Bishop directed the faithful to stay at home.───主教要求信徒们呆在家中。

They succeeded in persuading me to stay at home.───他们成功地说服了我留在家里.


He preferred to stay at home rather than go with us.

They succeeded in persuading me to stay at home.

I'd rather stay at home than go for a walk.

It is advisable that we stay at home instead of going to the movie.

She finds it boring staying/to stay at home.