As long as a person does not Ziqi, I believe that no one can hinder your progress.───一个人只要不自弃,相信没有谁可以阻碍你进步。
The first one was rowing, and Wei Ziqi called the night before with a question about raincoats.───第一场是划艇。 魏子旗在比赛的前晚,问我一个关于雨衣的问题,“主办方是免费发雨衣吗?”
Ziqi laughed when he told the story; he didn't take it personally.───魏子旗笑着告诉我这些,他并没有把这些放在心上。
I said that the coats were probably being sold at venues, but Wei Ziqi was shrewder. "You're not allowed to use umbrellas, right? "───我说雨衣可能是赛场周围卖的吧,但魏很精明,“观看比赛不让带雨伞,对吧?”
With the attitude that man of practice usually took, Nanguo Ziqi didn't answer his question directly. He only told him a story.───南伯子綦正如所有禅师惯有的态度,他并没有正面的回答颜成子的问题,而只说了如下的一个故事。
A balmy summer night finds Ma Ziqi and a group of skateboarders weaving and flying around an open square in Beijing.───在一个和煦的夏夜,马自奇(音译,MaZiqi)和一群玩溜冰板的人在北京一个露天广场穿梭飞舞。
There was a woodcutter , named Zhong Ziqi , who could understand his music.
And Ziqi You must, self - contained finishes atrial appendage.