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时间:2022-10-02 12:00:57 作者:趣历史 字数:2548字


School sports equipment room


器械室───Instrument room;体育───Sports


I told the scientists on duty to close the instrument room and to come in the front deck!───我告诉科学家有义务密切文书室,将在前方甲板!

center will have classroom space, a hands-on instrument room and ongoing education opportunities.───教育中心不仅有很多教室和乐器时,也为孩子们提供了更多学习音乐的机会。

For a single instrument, say something like a piano recital, a room with a short reverberation time is better.───对于单一的乐器,比如钢琴独奏会,一个回声时间短的房间更好。

A humidity automatic control system with a hygrometer as the sensor for spectral instrument room was studied.───研究了用湿度计作传感器的湿度自动控制系统。

Automatic Control of Humidity for the Spectral Instrument Room───湿度计用于光谱仪器室的湿度自动控制


A humidity automatic control system with a hygrometer as the sensor for spectral instrument room was studied.