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时间:2022-10-02 12:03:15 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2600字


Carsickness stickers




He suffers from carsickness.───他晕车.

Julia: I don't know. But I have a carsickness.───茱莉亚:我不知道,但是我晕车。

I also take some medicine for carsickness, colds and diarrhea.───我还带了点儿晕车药、感冒药、拉肚子的药。

It is mainly used to treat summer - head, mind - cold due to exogenous evils , headache, nausea vomiting, seasickness , carsickness, etc.───主要用于治疗暑热 、 外感风寒 、 头痛 、 恶心呕吐 、 晕船等病证.

Can I take the window seat in case of carsickness?───我有点晕车,可以坐在靠窗户的座位上吗?


To help kids overcome carsickness, parents need to pay attention to the following things: Don't let kids eat too much or too greasy. Don't let them starve either.

Madam Hill is liable to carsickness when the car passes through many thank-you-ma'ams.

Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and create good sentences.

For carsickness, I took motion sickness pills.

Excuse me? Do you have anything for a carsickness?