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时间:2022-10-02 16:03:53 作者:星火作文 字数:2923字


Entering Zen




Zen said one sticking point has been who would have the authority to appoint bishops.───zen说讨论的关键点是谁有权任命主教.

He meditated on Zen koans.───他也冥思禅机。

The dominant orientations of Zen to problem is destroy problem.───禅宗解决问题的根本方法是否定问题,毁灭问题,使问题不再存在.

Zen monks create routines to allow themselves to work more efficiently.───禅僧建立例行公事使他们工作更有效率.

I have lived with several Zen masters - all of them cats.───我曾和几位禅师一起生活过:它们都是猫.

The paper presents technical transformation of using OMRON - ZEN to Z 3040 radial drill.───介绍了利用OMRON-ZEN对Z3040摇臂钻床的技术改造,阐述了系统改造方案,给出梯形图程序.

The methods recommended, however, differ among the various sects of Zen.───各种方法受到推荐, 然而, 禅宗各种教派之间却各有分别.

Zen is neither Taoist nor Buddhist; it is both and neither.───禅既不是道教,也不是佛教; 它既是两者,又不是两者.


Zen popped two motion-sickness pills out of their plastic nests and put them in his mouth.

She became interested in Zen Buddhism.

My dad doesn't go a bundle on Zen either.

He's not apologizing to me, Zen realized.

The teachings of Zen were encapsulated in short statements.