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时间:2022-10-02 16:05:27 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3098字


Cultural identity


认同感───Sense of identity;文化───Culture


I have in fact very little sense of identity.───我一直都没什么身份感。

Encourage a strong sense of identity.───鼓励强烈的从属感.

Even more serious is the hidden problem with our sense of identity.───而藏身在问题背后的,是更沉重的自我定位与认同问题.

Communications with others not only affect our sense of identity, but also directly influences our physical and emotional well-being.───与他人的交流不仅会影响我们的身份认同感,还会直接影响我们的身心健康。

Also, with puberty, children, especially girls, begin to develop their own sense of identity.───此外, 青春期的儿童, 特别是女孩, 开始发展自己的个性.

People often find self - respect and a sense of identity in their job.───人们经常会在工作中,发现 自我 的尊严和认同感.

These revelations struck at core of Chris's sense of identity.───这些被披露的真相直击了克里斯内心的身份感.

The most successful environmental strategy will marry the green message to our own sense of identity.───最成功的环保策略是将绿色信息与我们的身份认同感相结合。


What is their future sense of identity?

It seemed to be essential to her sense of identity, but I was finding it wearisome.

A sense of identity and belonging is created albeit with the aid of alcohol or drugs that lowers our inhibitions.

It gives you a sense of identity.

Children need continuity, security, and a sense of identity .