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时间:2022-10-02 20:01:24 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2917字


Miss Lu


陆小姐───Miss Lu


Think of a thousand million cloud lotus, lotus river and skirt. Lu deep miss too, where the fish swimming fish.───思千朵芙蓉万朵云,幽幽江畔采莲裙。芦深不及思念过,水走鱼游何处寻。罽%。

was in fact the former Miss Canada finalist and professional actress, 53 year old Mary-Lu Zahalan-Kennedy, a student of Liverpool Hope University in the UK.───事实上所得者是53岁的玛丽-露扎兰-肯尼迪,她是位专业演员曾入围加拿大小姐的总决赛,现在就读于英国利物浦希望大学。

Miss her, but she is not around, so wistfully of the eyes a little more helpless, voice with a trace of a sigh, frustrated expression of Wei Lu dash, state of mind a little lost in the breeding Moran.───思念她,而她不在身边,于是望眼欲穿的眼神里多了几分无奈,声音里有了一丝叹息,表情中微露几许失意,心境里莫然滋生些许失落。

Miss Lu Hello, I just arrived. I hope you don't tell of me here.───陆小姐你好,我刚来。希望你不要告诉国栋我来这边。

Miss Lu Caifeng as chairman of the Guangzhou Science and Technology Vocational College, will travel to Switzerland during the holidays.───卢彩凤女士为广州科技职业技术学院董事长,将利用假期前往瑞士旅游。

Miss Lu and copartner are opening play besides, have a good job respectively.───卢小姐和合伙人在开游戏吧之外,都分别拥有一份不错的工作。
