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时间:2022-10-03 00:03:18 作者:趣历史 字数:2348字


I saw some ducks in the river


鸭子───duck;河里───The river


Duck into this doorway and hope he doesn't see us.───赶快躲进门里,但愿他没有看到我们.

She was a little fluffy baby duck which we reared until she was fully grown.───它那时还是只毛茸茸的小母鸭,我们一直把它养到羽翼丰满。

In the contrary school the duck is supreme.───在相反的一类鸟中,以野鸭为最.

In spring they could collect whole baskets of wild duck eggs.───春天里他们可以捡到整篮整篮的野鸭蛋.

Nancy knew she'd be a sitting duck when she raised the trap door.───南希明白,只要一打开天窗,她马上就会成为受攻击的目标。

roast duck with orange sauce───烤鸭蘸橘子酱

Really? You got us a chick a duck?───真的? 给我们小鸡小鸭?

She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.───她选了鸭池旁的一张长椅坐了下来。
