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时间:2022-10-03 04:00:33 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3313字






The ink had faded to invisibility.───墨水已退色看不见了。

There are stories about giants and dragons and trolls, and humans with supernatural powers or gifts, like invisibility cloaks.───故事与巨人、恶龙和巨魔有关,而且这些传说中的人往往都拥有超自然能力或天赋,还有有超能力的道具,比如隐形披风。

Pendry's project is one of several around the world experimenting with invisibility.───泼恩德利的项目是全球几个隐形实验项目之一.

Invisibility. So I could sneak around and go places I shouldn't.───隐身术. 那我就可以四处潜行并且去我不该去的地方.

The invisibility will be cancelled instantly.───隐身效果也会因此取消.

Millennia later, a similar garment bestowed invisibility on Harry Potter, a schoolboy wizard.───几千年以后, 又有一件类似的斗篷给了魔法学校学生哈利?波特以隐身的能力.

Invisibility, levitation -- anything.───隐身 、 升空 —— 什么都行.

Moreover, we consider the characters of HVS Human Visual System , consequently watermark has nice invisibility.───同时算法结合人眼视觉系统(HVS)特性, 保证了水印的不可见性.


Since the invisibility of women is not confined to particular disciplines, feminism has tended to take on an interdisciplinary approach.

Until the basic problems of invisibility and her own feeling of worthlessness were addressed, the situation would continue to recur.

The structural invisibility enjoyed by the uniform wearer is a strange matter to experience.

Relative invisibility and freedom from direct supervision liberate field staff from some of the constraints found in other occupations.

The ink had faded to invisibility.