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时间:2022-10-03 04:03:44 作者:学习啦 字数:2931字


Self introduction between teachers and students


师生───teachers and students;介绍───introduce


Teachers and students blended with each other.───学生和老师相混合.

I am positive efforts to help teachers and students to manage classes.───我积极努力,并协助老师同学管理好班级.

The college has five thousand teachers and students in all.───该校共有师生5千人.

All the teachers and students in Cambridge held Dr Hawkin in high esteem.───剑桥大学的所有教师和学生都很尊敬霍金博士.

This would be an environment in which teachers and students actually knew each other.───这将是一个老师和学生能够真正了解彼此的环境。

How are you going to improve the meals for teachers and students?───师生的伙食,怎样办得好一点?

Unreal chemistry questions usually make teachers and students understanding chemistry inaccurately.───非真实性化学问题往往会误导师生对化学学科的认识.

Teachers and students all pitched in.───师生齐动手.


I learned a lot from teachers and students alike.

We would welcome suggestions from both teachers and students.

Schaeffer encouraged teachers and students to take part in cultural sensitivity training workshops.

All the teachers and students in Cambridge held Dr Hawkin in high esteem.

Teachers and students will appreciate the clear objectives and simple layout.