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时间:2022-10-03 12:00:27 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2865字


Lower segment


下段───Lower segment


IVP inspects 6 cases, prompts the ureter lower segment to be narrow, the ureter upside expands, kidney water 4 cases.───IVP检查6例,均提示输尿管下段狭窄、输尿管上段扩张,肾积水4例。

ct can accurately define the level of lower segment of common bile duct obstruction with high diagnostic accordance rate.───CT对胆总管下段梗阻定位准确,定性率较高。

properties of maximal elements of the lower segment are discussed.───本文讨论了该下集的极大元及其性质。

The wound dehiscence was caused by the incision tear of lower segment of uterine, adverse suture, and improper choice of incision position.───子宫伤口裂开多由于子宫下段切口撕裂、缝合不良、切口位置选择不当所致。

Treatment of Middlepiece and Lower Segment Tibial Fractures with Contrary Double Rectangle-Shaped Intramedullary Nail───逆行双矩形髓内钉内固定治疗胫骨中下段骨折


Ureterolithotomy is thy best way for upper segment ureteral calculi and ureterocystoscope with holmium is the hest way for middle or lower segment ureteral calculi when ESWL fails.

The utility model is simple and practical, being applicable for arteriolar bleeding of the wound-surface after operation, in particular to compared deep position like lower segment of the recta, etc.