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时间:2022-10-03 16:03:21 作者:学习啦 字数:3002字


Assist in the affairs




Our host was Mr. Zhou Xiang, who is head of the numismatic department of the museum .───接待我们的是周祥先生,周先生是博物馆钱币部门的负责人。

Again Xiang & made a move to press the bell.───祥子又要去按电铃.

Hao Xiang and his family a birthday. Annually are with them too.───好想和家人一块过生日. 每年都是和他们一起过.

" By then, our Xiang Xiang will have become a real wild panda. "───“ 到那时, 我们的祥祥就是纯正的野生熊猫了.

Dr Wang Xiang is a very nice and kind urologist.───王翔教授是一位和善和进责的好医生.

Conclusions The security of Chen Xiang Lu Bai Lu capsule was better.───结论陈香露白露胶囊拥有较好的安全性.

Xiang is another name for Hunan.───湘是湖南的别称。

Hao Xiang The company was founded in 2003, for the sole proprietorship.───浩翔公司创建于2003年, 为独资企业.


Rui Xiang ecstasy brain Westside, the provision of Han Jin Song hard small bun.

Electrocardiogram: Antrum sex arrhythmia, arrange Zhong Xiang dislocation. Is there a problem?

The mutant"Xiang X9628" of upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L. ) was characterized with its normal glanded leave appearance and low gossypol content seed.

Is loan interest of Jiangsu Agricultural Bank Xiang Shui county subbranch currently in effect a number?

Li Xiang is an undemonstrative person.