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时间:2022-10-03 20:00:21 作者:星火作文 字数:3066字


Welcome to Chengdu


做客───be a guest;欢迎───welcome


Sandy would be a guest at Mark Lui's Charity Concert this Thursday ( March 30 ).───收到风,忆莲会做今个星期四 ( 3月30日 ) 《莎莎爱心呈献——雷颂德公益金音乐会》的嘉宾.

I feel very honored to be a guest to your corporation.───我为能成为贵公司的客人而感到荣幸。

She has been invited to to appear on various TV shows and was recently asked by Anhui Satellite TV station to be a guest host for a popular show.───许多电视节目邀请她,安徽卫视一档很出名的节目还邀请她做嘉宾主持。

Many hostels post events on their websites, and you don't necessarily have to be a guest to attend.───许多酒店会在他们的网站上公布他们的活动,不是客人你也可以参加。

One day, his kin comes to his home be a guest.───有一天, 他的亲戚来他家做客.

Let me be a guest actor for just once.───就让我客串一下嘛.


This month you will be the darling of the media, so try to be a guest on TV and radio, or try for an interview or write-up on the Internet or in print.

Then, on the third day, he would be a guest at a trade fair held in New Jersey.

This month you will be the darling of the media, so try to be a guest on TV and radio, or try for an interview or write-up on the Inte or in print.

We welcome be a guest of author of money guest on-line Mr Tian Keshan to get together tonight city, talk about the development of network charge to an account and commercial pattern together.