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时间:2022-10-03 20:02:56 作者:语文迷 字数:2850字


Take a meal


摄斋───Take a meal


beginning of a meal, take slightly less than what you think you'll eat.───开始用餐时,取少于预想餐量的食物。

The first is that the main, possibly only, transmission route is via mosquitoes, which pick up the virus from infected people and pass it on when the pests next take a meal.───第一,寨卡病毒的主要传播途径为蚊虫叮咬,即蚊子从被感染者身上获取该病毒并传染给下一个被叮咬者。

You had planned to go on a Dutch pay but at the end of the meal, the friend offers to take the check.───你本来打算各付各的,但吃完饭后,你朋友主动提出买单。

Niangs said with smile a few polite remarkses, then everybody appreciated 12 silvers, let green cloud take next take a meal.───十一娘笑着说了几句客气话,然后每人赏了十两银子,让绿云带下去用饭。

I'm so sorry, " Tim says. He gives her his bottle of water. " You have to take a meal?───“我非常抱歉,”蒂姆说。他把他的水瓶递给她,“你吃过饭了吗?”

Now, I do hardly want to take a meal, for I almost have too few cash to take one.───现在我真的是茶饭不思啊,因为我都快没钱吃饭了。


He would pause only to take a meal in the dining-room, where he would sell his pens to visiting salesmen.