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时间:2022-10-03 20:05:25 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2672字


All drugs




One of the most dangerous illegal narcotics in use today is opium.───目前最危险的违禁麻醉品之一是鸦片.

He was indicted for dealing in narcotics.───他因从事毒品交易被起诉。

The dealers connived with customs officials to bring in narcotics.───商人勾结海关人走私毒品.

Narcotics traffickers can always be made to appear as bad people.───人们总是可以使贩卖毒品者作为坏人出现.

Thailand has very strict laws to control narcotics.───泰国管控毒品的法律相当严苛.

Narcotics are a major threat to health.───毒品是危害健康的大敌.

"Adolphus Kelling, I arrest you on a charge of trafficking in narcotics."—"What?"───“阿道弗斯·克林,我以贩毒的罪名逮捕你。”——“什么?”

Opium is classed under the head of narcotics.───鸦片归在麻醉品项内.


He burned a narcotics detective.

He died from an overdose of narcotics.

Police shook down the club, looking for narcotics.

Police shook the club down, looking for narcotics.

They were busted and put away on narcotics charges.