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时间:2022-10-04 00:02:33 作者:学习啦 字数:2649字


One arrow


一箭道───One arrow


So that one arrow will suffice for both voltage and current .───对电压及电流只要一个箭头就够了。

Porpoising can be accomplished without even firing one arrow.───无需发射一根箭就可以完成纵向跳跃。

Easy to tune for vertical arrow flight, (porpoising) can be accomplished without even firing one arrow.───箭点在垂直方向上容易调节,甚至不用发射一支箭就能消除豚跃式跳动。

True acupuncture point can be gotten in capacious Shan Ye, this is just as archery can in one arrow equally commendable.───能在广阔的山野中得真穴,这如同射箭能一矢中的一样难能可贵。

Central Plains and Xiliang joint pro, Xiliang nine Central Plains prince married Princess, shoot two hawks with one arrow.───中原与西凉联亲,西凉九公主下嫁中原太子,一举两得。

The cost of your life is one arrow.───你的生命只值一支箭


So that one arrow will suffice for both voltage and current.

A radius dimension line uses one arrow headed, at the arc end.

Bunny is enduring painful flight, rear however medium one arrow.