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时间:2022-10-04 04:03:25 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2624字


She wants to dance


她想───She thought;跳舞───dance


I must be crazy,' she thought.───我准是疯了。”她想。

She thought of him with affection.───她怀着喜爱想起了他。

She thought him kind and generous.───她认为他宽厚仁慈。

She thought of Tara and it was as if a gentle cool hand were stealing over her heart.───她一想塔拉就觉得它就像一双轻柔冰凉的手来抚慰她的心。

All during the long afternoon she thought of the city outside and its imposing show, crowds, and fine buildings.───整个长长的下午,她想到外面的城市,那壮观的市容和人群,那些漂亮的大楼。

She thought she had wrapped it up the next point but a Hawk-Eye challenge from Venus showed the ball was out.───二号种子本以为已经拿下接下来的一分,但维纳斯挑战鹰眼的结果是球已出界。


She thought she wouldn't have to work hard, but we soon put her right on that.

She thought him kind and generous.

She thought of him with affection.

She thought that she must be under a curse.

She thought for a moment and then approved.