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时间:2022-10-04 08:03:10 作者:语文迷 字数:2627字


Rushing forward


奔突───Rushing forward


away from Scouts rushing forward with the Boston Basher.───远离拿著波士顿狼牙棒冲过来的敌方侦查兵。

Every day, rushing forward, a non-regular work, give me a fee to fill the hole.───每天都在奔波着,一份不固定的工作,给我填补了学费那个洞。

So every day I have marching "female best weapon" - high heels, on the road, rushing forward.───于是,我每天,都踏着“女性最佳武器”—高跟鞋,在路上,奔波着。

The former sometimes is a lonely sport for it requires the players to put their back into rushing forward.───竞速轮椅就是一直埋头苦干地向前推很是寂寞,而网球是靠头脑比赛,这可是嘉仪的长处。

"yi xie qian li" originally refers to rivers that rushes downward rapidly or flooding waters rushing forward violently.───“一泻千里”原意是指江河湍急、奔腾直下,形容江河的水迅猛奔流的样子。

Warrior's courage is that he is fearless to knife and sword, rushing forward when facing enemy in the battle.───两军相交,各拿兵器奋勇向前冲锋陷阵而不惧刀剑者,这就是武士们的勇气。
