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时间:2022-10-04 08:04:42 作者:星火作文 字数:2406字


Water wanting


水婉婷───Water wanting


Israel is a dryer country wanting of water. Because of the influence of geographical location and the weather, the desertification here is very serious.───以色列是一个较为干旱缺水的国家,由于地理位置和气候的影响,荒漠化现象严重。

This is an opportunity, not only for serous swimmers, but for all people who want to hang out by the water or for kids wanting to learn how to swim, " he continued.───这是一次机会,不仅仅为了技术娴熟的游泳者,还有所有想在水中漂浮的人或者想学习如何游泳的孩子,”他继续说。

Diet drinks are not as good an option as water because some evidence indicates they trick our brain into wanting more sweets and other studies show they might contribute to bone loss.───卡路里的饮料相对于纯水来说不是一个好的选择,因为证据显示低卡路里饮料诱使大脑想获得更多的糖,其他研究显示它们还可能导致骨质疏松。
